Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Energi Listrik Menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 dan PZEM-004T untuk Pengendalian Penggunaan Daya
Electricity is one of the essential needs for society today, serving as a primary economic
resource. The use of electricity in household sectors reached 50.80% in 2020,
contributing to the total electricity consumption in Indonesia each month. To raise
awareness about excessive electricity usage leading to inflated electricity bills, there is a
need for a remote monitoring and control device, based on the Internet of Things (IoT),
specifically targeting electronic appliances that consume electricity.
Addressing this issue, a research study titled "Design of Electricity Monitoring System
Using NodeMCU ESP8266 and PZEM-004T for Controlling Electricity Usage" was
conducted. The energy usage monitoring system is implemented in a terminal socket
device capable of displaying power consumption through a module. Additionally, this
terminal socket can be connected to the internet, allowing users to view electricity usage
data on the ThingSpeak website. The necessary tools and materials for designing the
monitoring and controlling system include a laptop, NodeMCU ESP8266 module,
PZEM-004T sensor, relay (Rlay), OLED display, power terminal, plug (Stekker), and
jumper cables.
Based on testing using the blackbox method, the system has demonstrated effective
monitoring and control of energy usage. It was observed that the power consumption
stated for an electronic device may differ from the actual power consumed. This
difference could be attributed to variations in the stated power consumption information
compared to the actual power consumption.
Keywords: households, NodeMCU ESP8266, PZEM-004T, IoT, electricity monitoring..