System Pengendali Gain Speaker Audio Otomatis Berdasarkan Jumlah Orang Berbasis Arduino
Sound, arduino, number of peopleAbstract
Audio system is a very trivial thing in society, even though the sound system is very important in any event, especially places of worship that we usually visit. This particular problem with the sound system needs to be addressed immediately, so that people can worship at the mosque properly, especially if there are lectures, sermons, and other religious guidance. Therefore, writers who have expertise in electronics took the initiative to deal with this particular problem. The activities are carried out by applying reliable appropriate technology based on automatic volume control for the mosque's sound system consisting of amplifiers (sound amplifiers), funnel speakers, column speakers, microphones, and others. After that, procurement of tools and materials is carried out then assembly and installation are carried out. All materials used have quality according to SNI standards. Thus, this community service activity is expected to have an impact on the formation of a prosperous and religious community in the hamlet. Tawun, Village. Balung Tawun, District. Sukodadi, Regency. Lamongan. In this research, an automatic device is designed in which the volume of loudness from an Arduino-based sound system counts the number of worshipers present at the mosque, so that sometimes the volume can be controlled with a digital potentiometer that is connected to a mixer or amplifier from the mosque.
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