Jurnal FORTECH 2024-05-29T17:19:30+07:00 Jurnal FORTECH Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal FORTECH: Merupakan media publikasi ilmiah khususnya anggota FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia) Regional Jawa Timur dan publikasi praktisi, dosen, mahasiswa Teknik Elektro pada umumnya. Bidang kajian Jurnal FORTECH meliputi bidang; Teknik tenaga listrik, Teknik elektromagnetik, Teknik telekomunikasi, Teknik komputer, Teknik elektronika, Teknik rekayasa sistem, Teknik kendali, Biomedik, dan bidang elektro lainnya</p> <ul> <li>ISSN (Print): 2721-2858</li> <li>ISSN (Online): 2720-9253</li> <li>DOI: 10.56795/fortech</li> </ul> Penerapan SMES untuk Load Frequency Control pada PLTMH Menggunakan Ant Colony Optimization 2024-05-04T10:43:33+07:00 Faisal Faisal Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal Machrus Ali <p>This research proposes an additional controller for load frequency control at a micro hydro power plant using PID-SMES. The PID-SMES parameters are optimized using smart methods called Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), which could find the optimal value of PID-SMES. In this paper four control approaches are compared which are P, PI, PID, SMES, and PID-SMES. From the simulation results, it can be obtained&nbsp; that overshoot of P controller is -0.0002193, with PI Controller is -0.0002183, with PD Controller is -0.0002139, with PID controller is -0.0002129, with SMES controller is -0.0001958, and with PID-SMES is -4.187e-05. ACO optimization results obtained fitness function value of 7.15e-09, with 50 iterations. The minimum value of the system performance function at each iteration is plotted on the convergence graph. In the simulation result, it can be concluded that the ACO algorithm could be quickly convergence on the 14th iteration or find the most optimal value at the 9th iteration. The PID-SMES controller proposed in this study has a significant influence in the damping of the oscillation of frequency deviation. Therefore, PID-SMES is appropriate to be applied to micro-hydro power plant.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal FORTECH Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Energi Listrik Menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 dan PZEM-004T untuk Pengendalian Penggunaan Daya 2024-01-09T05:57:07+07:00 Wira Ahmad Dekki Widiatmoko Fajar Kholid <p>Electricity is one of the essential needs for society today, serving as a primary economic<br>resource. The use of electricity in household sectors reached 50.80% in 2020,<br>contributing to the total electricity consumption in Indonesia each month. To raise<br>awareness about excessive electricity usage leading to inflated electricity bills, there is a<br>need for a remote monitoring and control device, based on the Internet of Things (IoT),<br>specifically targeting electronic appliances that consume electricity.<br>Addressing this issue, a research study titled "Design of Electricity Monitoring System<br>Using NodeMCU ESP8266 and PZEM-004T for Controlling Electricity Usage" was<br>conducted. The energy usage monitoring system is implemented in a terminal socket<br>device capable of displaying power consumption through a module. Additionally, this<br>terminal socket can be connected to the internet, allowing users to view electricity usage<br>data on the ThingSpeak website. The necessary tools and materials for designing the<br>monitoring and controlling system include a laptop, NodeMCU ESP8266 module,<br>PZEM-004T sensor, relay (Rlay), OLED display, power terminal, plug (Stekker), and<br>jumper cables.<br>Based on testing using the blackbox method, the system has demonstrated effective<br>monitoring and control of energy usage. It was observed that the power consumption<br>stated for an electronic device may differ from the actual power consumed. This<br>difference could be attributed to variations in the stated power consumption information<br>compared to the actual power consumption.<br>Keywords: households, NodeMCU ESP8266, PZEM-004T, IoT, electricity monitoring..</p> 2024-04-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal FORTECH Perancangan Lampu Jalan Dengan Panel Surya Terintegrasi Dan Pengaturan Otomatis Intensitas Cahaya 2024-03-23T13:51:43+07:00 Miftachul Ulum Khoirul Ogik Saputra Adi Kurniawan Saputro <p>Indonesia is a country that has a tropical climate and is located on the equator and gets abundant sunlight all year round. So the use of solar energy as an alternative energy is very popular and is starting to be developed in all corners of the country by carrying out a lot of research and testing. In this research, solar cells are used as a source of electrical energy for street lights. The function of these components is SCC (solar charge controller) which regulates and controls the battery charging process, electrical energy is stored in the battery which functions to supply electrical power at night. The inverter functions to change direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). The photocell sensor functions to regulate the lights, during the day the lights will turn off and turn on at night. There is a passive infrared receiver (PIR) sensor used to detect human presence. This sensor is used to control the light intensity of the lamp, if it is not detected by humans, the lamp will turn on normally. If human presence is detected, the lights will turn on brightly. There is also an automatic solar panel cleaner using a wiper which functions when the solar panels are dirty. The detection method uses current and voltage sensors, when sunlight received by the solar panel and the resulting electric current voltage decreases, the wiper will automatically activate to clean dirty solar panels, thereby maintaining optimal solar panel performance. The solar panel is equipped with a support/pole feature that is designed to go up and down, which makes it easier to use and does not require using a ladder during the maintenance process. The method used in this research is fuzzy. The fuzzy method is used for decision making on wiper conditions. In the research results, the results of this system were obtained from 12 trials of tool measurement results, Matlab simulations, and manual fuzzy logic calculations with a success rate of 91.6%.</p> 2024-05-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal FORTECH Modifikasi Motor Bensin 4 Langkah 1 Silinder Untuk Engine Test Yang Dengan Sistem Pengereman 2024-05-18T06:06:54+07:00 Askan Askan Anis sirojuddin Suryo Negoro Rukslin Rukslin Asnun Parwanti Muhlasin Muhlasin <p>Karakteristik sebuah mesin ditentukan oleh hubungan sistem pengaturan (pengapian dan aliran bahan bakar) terhadap daya generator (pg), daya motor (Ne), momen torsi, daya poros efektif dan konsumsi bahan bakar. Penelitian sebelumnya engine test tidak diberi sistem pengereman sehingga tidak dapat mengetahui besarnya momen torsi, daya poros efektif, daya generator (pg) dan konsumsi bahan bakar. Pada penelitian ini diberikan solusi berupa pemberian sistem pengereman. Metode desain ini dengan menyusun rancangan, pembeuatan komponen, reakitan, pengujian, analisa dan hasil pengujian. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa, pengujian torsi pada putaran 2200 rpm, 2500 rpm, dan 2800 rpm, momen torsinya sebesar 2,94 Nm, 3,43 Nm, dan 3,92 Nm. Dan daya poros efektif sebesar 676,98 Watt, 897,51 Watt, dan 1148,82 Watt..</p> 2024-05-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal FORTECH Optimasi Sudut Elektroda dan Kuat Arus Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Pada Baja ST37 2024-05-12T17:33:13+07:00 Mualifi Usman Muhammad Fakhrurozi Kadaryono Kadaryono <p>Welding technology is an important process in the field of manufacturing in metal welding. SMAW welding uses electrical energy as a heat source and additional electrodes in joining metal welding. The angle of the electrode and the current strength greatly affect the welding strength. In this research, the design and analysis of variations in electrode angle and current strength in SMAW welding were carried out on tensile strength. The material used for testing is ST37 steel. The electrode angles used are 65<sup>o</sup>, 70<sup>o</sup> and 75<sup>o</sup>. The magnitude of the current used is 3 variations, namely 90 A, 95 A, and 100 A. In this research, the data processing method used is a factorial design with data from the results of tensile strength testing. In this study, the largest tensile strength test results were obtained at an electrode angle of 70o with a current strength of 100 A, getting a result of 32.668 kg/mm<sup>2</sup>, while the smallest result was obtained at an electrode angle of 65o with a current strength of 90 A, getting a result of 19.96 kg/mm<sup>2</sup>. The results of this research will be used as a reference for further research with variations in angle and current, using different test materials.</p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal FORTECH Flower Polination Algorithm Sebagai Optimalisasi LFC Pada Hybrid Pembangkit Wind-Diesel 2024-05-29T17:19:30+07:00 Machrus Ali Agus Siswanto Mudofar Baehaqi <p><em>As input power, the amount of wind and wind speed greatly influences the wind power generation system. A combination of a wind-diesel power generation system is needed to obtain optimal power quality. A hybrid system is a controlled network of multiple renewable energy generators such as wind turbines, solar cells, micro-hydro, and so on. Gain settings that are not optimal and the time constant is small in Load Frequency Control (LFC), causing its ability to be weak (weak line). In practice, the wind-diesel system is controlled with a PID controller. Setting the gain value of the PID is still in the conventional method, so it is difficult to get the optimal value. In this research, a control design was implemented using the Smart Method to find the optimum value of the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) based on the FPA (Flower Pollination Algorithm). For comparison, methods were used without control methods, conventional PID methods, PID Auto tuning methods, and FPA (Flower Pollination Algorithm) methods. Wind-diesel modeling uses transfer function diagrams of wind and diesel turbines. This study compares several uncontrolled methods and conventional PID, PID-Auto tuning, and PID-FPA. The results of the research that has been carried out show that the smallest undershoot is -1.187.10<sup>-04</sup> for PID-FPA, the smallest overshot is 0 for PID-FPA, and the fastest settling time is 9.827 s for PID-FPA. So it can be concluded that PID-FPA is the best controller in this research. This research can later be continued using other artificial intelligence methods.</em></p> 2024-05-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal FORTECH