Jurnal FORTECH https://journal.fortei7.org/index.php/fortech <p>Jurnal FORTECH: Merupakan media publikasi ilmiah khususnya anggota FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia) Regional Jawa Timur dan publikasi praktisi, dosen, mahasiswa Teknik Elektro pada umumnya. Bidang kajian Jurnal FORTECH meliputi bidang; Teknik tenaga listrik, Teknik elektromagnetik, Teknik telekomunikasi, Teknik komputer, Teknik elektronika, Teknik rekayasa sistem, Teknik kendali, Biomedik, dan bidang elektro lainnya</p> <ul> <li>ISSN (Print): 2721-2858</li> <li>ISSN (Online): 2720-9253</li> <li>DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.56795/fortech.v4i2">https://doi.org/10.56795/fortech.v4i1</a></li> </ul> FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia) en-US Jurnal FORTECH 2721-2858 Revitalisasi Sistem ATS: Integrasi Smart Relay dan Teknologi Otomatisasi Suhu. https://journal.fortei7.org/index.php/fortech/article/view/556 <p>This research delves into the intricacies of an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) system anchored on the Zelio SR2A101BD smart relay. The exploration primarily centers on the functionality and performance metrics of the system's components, notably the PZEM-004T sensor for electrical data acquisition and the DS18B20 for temperature sensing. Through meticulous experimentation and testing, the research underscores the system's capability to seamlessly transition between primary (PLN) and secondary (PLTS) power sources during interruptions or failures. Utilizing the Zelio Soft 2 software as an analytical tool, the research gauges the system's efficiency and responsiveness. Noteworthy findings highlight an average transition time of 4.39 seconds from PLN to PLTS and 1.06 seconds in the opposite direction. This research culminates in affirming the ATS system's reliability and its potential as a pivotal component in modern electrical infrastructures.</p> Agus Kiswantono Ahmad Rozak Fakhrudin Syah M Anas Muhibudin A Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal FORTECH 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 4 2 56 63 10.56795/fortech.v4i2.4201 Analisis Performa Interkoneksi PLTS Pada Sistem Kelistrikan 20 kV Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat https://journal.fortei7.org/index.php/fortech/article/view/557 <p>Panjang saluran distribusi tenaga listrik mempengaruhi profil tegangan dan rugi rugi daya sistem. <em>Distributed Generation</em> (DG) kapasitas kecil dan tegangan nominal rendah menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam membangkitkan energi listrik yang dapat meningkatkan profil tegangan dan mereduksi rugi rugi daya sistem akibat panjang saluran distribusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan performa sistem akibat interkoneksi DG jenis pembangkit energi surya (PLTS-DG) pada saluran distribusi yang dipresentasikan sebagai peningkatan profil tegangan sekaligus penurunan rugi rugi daya. Uji simulasi dilakukan pada sistem uji IEEE 14-bus dan pada sistem kelistrikan 20 kV Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) yang terhubung DG menggunakan <em>software </em>ETAP <em>Power Station</em>&nbsp;Dengan studi aliran daya menggunakan metode Newton Raphson, performa sistem uji pada kondisi <em>basecase</em> dan sesudah pemasangan DG. Profil tegangan dan rugi rugi daya sistem yang mempresentasikan performa akan diamati dari hasil simulasi tersebut. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pemasangan PLTS-DG pada bus 90 di akhir penyulang Sheraton dapat memperbaiki profil tegangan menjadi 0,9552 p.u memenuhi batas margin yang diizinkan. Sedangkan rugi rugi daya total sistem dapat direduksi dari 3,278 MW dan 19,364 MVar menjadi 3,245 MW dan 19,292&nbsp; MVar.</p> Irrine B Sulistiawati I Made Wartana Cholis Setiawan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal FORTECH 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 4 2 64 73 10.56795/fortech.v4i2.4202 Optimasi Kontrol Suhu Tungku Pemanas Menggunakan Metode Firefly Algorithm (FA) https://journal.fortei7.org/index.php/fortech/article/view/563 <p>A furnace is a piece of equipment used to heat or change shape. Process control is becoming increasingly important in industry, as a consequence of global competition. Year after year, furnaces have progressed in both industrial processes and equipment. The tuning process ensures that system performance meets operating objectives. Intelligent control based on Artificial Intelligent (AI) has developed a lot to improve conventional control to control voltage loads and is always under constant variable assessment. The research results show that the best optimization method is produced by the PID-FA method which produces overshoot = 0.0721, undershoot 0.0081, and settling time at 30.4283 seconds. The PID-FA method produces better performance, according to the desired settings, so that fuel use can have a high level of efficiency</p> Febrian Rizal Anas Dwi Ajiatmo Hidayatul Nurohmah Machrus Ali Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal FORTECH 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 4 2 74 81 10.56795/fortech.v4i2.4203 Perencanaan Lampu Penerangan Jalan Menggunakan Turbin Angin Sumbu Vertikal Savonius https://journal.fortei7.org/index.php/fortech/article/view/560 <p>Electricity is a basic need for almost all human beings, electricity is the main requirement in all economic activities and human activities. The diminishing availability of fossil fuels requires alternative energy sources that can meet energy needs. In this research, a micro-scale power plant for street lighting was developed, using a vertical wind turbine. To obtain mechanical energy from wind power, a vertical wind turbine of the Savonius type was developed. A single phase rectifier is used to convert the generator's mains voltage into direct current which is supplied to the battery for energy storage purposes. An LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) based automatic switch is used which functions to turn on the lights when it is dark. With the alternative of using a wind turbine for street lighting, it has the advantage of being able to keep generating electricity 24 hours a day, as long as there is wind from the vehicles passing through it. After doing research, this wind turbine can produce a voltage of 12.2 volts at a wind speed of 3.85 m/s, suitable for use in small-scale power plants. This type of power plant can be further developed on a larger scale so that it can be utilized to supply electrical energy needs in areas that are still not covered by electricity</p> Mualifi Usman Kadaryono Kadaryono Maulana Dwi Hariska Machrus Ali Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal FORTECH 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 4 2 82 89 10.56795/fortech.v4i2.4204 Pengaruh Automatic Change Over Switch Terhadap Peningkatan Keandalan Gardu Distribusi T3-200A/1 Penyulang PLR-04 https://journal.fortei7.org/index.php/fortech/article/view/564 <p>The process of distributing electrical energy has the potential to cause disturbances that can occur due to natural disturbances, disturbances to electrical equipment, disturbances at the generating center, transmission lines, and disturbances in the distribution network that can disrupt the reliability and service quality of the distribution of electrical energy. The quality of reliability can be rated by the length of outages, which can be determined using the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), and how often blackouts occur in one unit of time, which can be determined using the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI). In maintaining the reliability of electrical energy, additional equipment is needed that is capable of supplying backup energy to the load when a disturbance occurs, namely the Automatic Change Over Switch (ACOS). ACOS is a device that works automatically for the process of maneuvering the network from two voltage sources to maintain electricity availability without having to have long blackouts due to disturbances or loss of voltage at the main source. The use of the Automatic Change Over Switch (ACOS) is proven to be able to increase the reliability of electrical energy at distribution substation T3-200A/1 feeder PLR-04 by reducing the length of time outages (SAIDI) and reducing the frequency, because customers don't feel outages when the disturbance occurs. In addition, the use of Automatic Change Over Switch (ACOS) can also reduce the energy not supplied (ENS)</p> Tri Irianto Tjendrowasono Supriyana Nugroho Ni Kadek Devi Suyastini Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal FORTECH 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 4 2 99 105 10.56795/fortech.v4i2.4205 Identifikasi Kerusakan Dini Otomatis Komponen Elektronika Berbasis Arus Dengan Mikrokontrol Arduino Uno https://journal.fortei7.org/index.php/fortech/article/view/565 <p>Electric current is the flow of electricity in an electronic circuit where the amount flows through the circuit. The greater the current flowing in the circuit, the greater the value in amperes. The components in electronic circuits always have an electric current flowing through them. The electric current in this component is the basis for knowing whether the component is in good condition or not. On this basis, researchers use current sensors to detect damage to electronic components. In designing DC Current Based Early Damage Identification of Electronic Components with Text Notifications on the LCD using the Arduino UNO microcontroller, the current sensor is used, namely the ACS 712 current sensor. This Electronic Component Early Damage Identification Tool works automatically, the system will provide automatic error information via notifications on the LCD and the system will stop itself if one of the components is damaged. With this tool, Early Damage Identification of Electronic Components Based on DC Current with Text Notification on the LCD using the Arduino UNO microcontroller will make repairs easier and faster if one of the components is damaged. Because the notification on the LCD will notify you of damage to the damaged component</p> Agus Rianto Jani Kusanti Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal FORTECH 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 4 2 106 112 10.56795/fortech.v4i2.4206